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Quickly building an Oracle database in OCI

Like many others I’m normally using Oracle Virtual Box (vbox) for my development environments; however in the last few weeks I’ve been making the switch over to OCI for my Oracle work and other clouds for PostgreSQL or what nots.  In building out these resources, I’m using HashiCorp Terraform to build these resources.  One of the resources I needed to build is an Oracle Database.

When you look at the documentation for building an Oracle Database, the easiest way is to build a “database system”.  This Terraform resource will create a new database system in the specified compartment and availability domain.  The Oracle database edition that is specify applies to all the databases that are created within the database system.  Basically, meaning that once the database system is created additional databases can be created within the system using the same database edition.

The example that is provided is a working example but you have to create additional Terraform (tf) files to map out the variables and other items within it.

# OCI DB System

resource “oci_database_db_system” “db_system” {
availability_domain = var.availability_domain
compartment_id = var.dev_compartment
db_home {
database {
admin_password = “<passowrd>”
db_name = “rddevdb”
pdb_name = “devdb1″
display_name = “rddevdb”
db_version = “″
hostname = “RD-DBSYSTEM”
shape = “VM.Standard2.4″
database_edition = “ENTERPRISE_EDITION”
license_model = “LICENSE_INCLUDED”
subnet_id = var.devsubnet
ssh_public_keys = [“${file(“./.ssh/”)}”]
node_count = 1
data_storage_size_in_gb = 256
display_name = “rd-dev-db”
time_zone = “America/New_York”
db_system_options {
storage_management = “LVM”

After writing the above code into a file, it can be ran against your OCI environment by using the standard validate -> plan -> apply process as long as your and other files are configured correctly.  During the apply process it can take anywhere from an hour or more to build the database system.  If you find that your database system build is taking longer than 2 hours, then you can increase the amount of time needed by changing the timeouts settings.

Hope this information has provided a good example to get started.
