Deploying Oracle GoldenGate 21c with Ansible
Ansible has become a standard configuration tool for many enterprises and is used is many CI/CD pipelines to build standard implementations with the organizations. Ansible is a very powerful tool that leveraged secure shell (ssh) to make connect to target hosts and push to the modules needed to build the platform. Like any tool, Ansible is very flexible and lends itself to the usage of the user. Software packages like Oracle Database and Oracle GoldenGate can be baked into playbooks providing a standard installation process.
With the latest release of Oracle GoldenGate 21c, RheoData has built a standard template that allows its consultants to quickly build Oracle GoldenGate 21c into any environment. This blog post, we will look at the playbook and see how Oracle GoldenGate 21c is installed on a Linux host.
Variable File
The first thing that has to be defined is the variables that are going to be used within playbook. There are different ways of defining variables, but for simplify we used the sub-folder structure (defaults) which house the file main.yml. Within this main.yml file, all variables needed are defined. Below is the current consturct of our variables file:
stage_dir: /opt/software/ stage_ogg: /opt/software/ogg19cma oracle_base: /opt/app/oracle oracle_inventory: /opt/app/oraInventory oracle_home_client: /opt/app/oracle/product/client ogg_home: /opt/app/oracle/product/19.1.0/oggcore_21c ogg_deployment_home: /opt/app/oracle/gg_deployment ora_group: oinstall oracle_user: oracle root_user: root ggsoft19c_rsp: oggcore_21c.rsp installation: Oracle GoldenGate
zip_files: /Users/bocurtis/Build_Software/zip_files/
response_files: /Users/bocurtis/Build_Software/response_files/
script_files: /Users/bocurtis/Build_Software/scripts/
As you review the list of variables that are needed for installing Oracle GoldenGate 21c (above), notice that some of these variables reference scripts that can be used to make managing Oracle GoldenGate 21c a bit easier. These scripts do not come with Oracle GoldenGate 21c.
With the variables defined, the next thing to do is define the tasks that must be done in order to install Oracle GoldenGate 21c. Just like the variables file, the tasks are provided in a sub-folder structure (tasks). Within this folder, we only needed another main.yml file, but for step purposes we broke the tasks down further. With the current tasks, we have a main.yml, copy.yml, and install.yml. These three file cover all the steps needed to install Oracle GoldenGate 21c within a single host. Lets take a look at these now:
The main.yml file for Tasks, is the main file that will drive all of the installation. This file uses all variables that was defined earlier.
--- - name: Display Pre-Install Message remote_user: "{{ root_user }}" become: yes debug: msg: - '{{ installation }} Installation started at {{ ansible_date_time.time }}:' - name: Update RPM Packages remote_user: "{{ root_user }}" become: yes yum: name: "*" state: latest - name: Install Oracle Pre-Requistes remote_user: "{{ root_user }}" become: yes yum: name: oracle-database-preinstall-19c state: latest - name: Create required directories remote_user: "{{ root_user }}" become: yes file: path="{{ item }}" state=directory owner="{{ oracle_user }}" group="{{ ora_group }}" mode=0755 with_items: - "{{ stage_dir }}" - "{{ stage_ogg }}" - "{{ oracle_base }}" - "{{ oracle_inventory }}" - "{{ oracle_home_client }}" - "{{ ogg_home }}" - "{{ ogg_home_18c }}" - "{{ ogg_deployment_home }}" tags: - ogg19c_directories - name: tasks/copy.yaml instead of 'main' import_role: name: gg19cSetup tasks_from: copy - name: tasks/install.yaml instead of 'main' import_role: name: gg19cSetup tasks_from: install - name: Display Post-Install Message remote_user: "{{ root_user }}" become: yes debug: msg: - '{{ installation }} Installation finished at {{ ansible_date_time.time }}:' ...
The copy task is called from the main.yml file and used to copy the needed binaries and files to the target host. At the same time set the permissions needed on these files.
--- - name: Coping required files remote_user: "{{ root_user }}" become: yes copy: src: "{{ item }}" dest: "{{ stage_dir }}" owner: "{{ oracle_user }}" group: "{{ ora_group }}" mode: 0555 with_items: - "{{ response_files }}{{ggsoft21c_rsp}}" - "{{ zip_files }}{{ oracle_client_lite_19c }}" - "{{ zip_files }}{{ oracle_client_lite_18c }}" - "{{ zip_files }}{{ oracle_client_12c }}" - "{{ zip_files }}{{ gg_services_software }}" - "{{ script_files }}{{ set_passwords }}" - "{{ script_files }}{{ self_sign }}" - "{{ script_files }}{{ nginx_setup }}" - "{{ script_files }}{{ sm_start }}" - "{{ script_files }}{{ sm_stop }}" ...
The install task is called from the main.yml file and begins to perform the install Oracle GoldenGate 21c. The task does everything from unzipping the Oracle Client libraries and Oracle GoldenGate 21c, through configuring the .bashrc environment.
--- - name: Unzipping/Installing Oracle Database Client 19c remote_user: "{{ root_user }}" become: yes become_user: "{{ oracle_user }}" unarchive: src: "{{ stage_dir }}{{ oracle_client_lite_19c }}" dest: "{{ oracle_home_client }}" extra_opts: - --j remote_src: true - name: Unzipping/Installing Oracle Database Client 18c remote_user: "{{ root_user }}" become: yes become_user: "{{ oracle_user }}" unarchive: src: "{{ stage_dir }}{{ oracle_client_lite_18c }}" dest: "{{ oracle_home_client }}" extra_opts: - --j remote_src: true - name: Unzipping Oracle GoldenGate 21c remote_user: "{{ root_user }}" become: yes become_user: "{{ oracle_user }}" unarchive: src: "{{ stage_dir }}{{ gg_services_software }}" dest: "{{ stage_ogg }}" remote_src: true - name: Installing Oracle GoldenGate 21c for Oracle Database 21c remote_user: "{{ root_user }}" become: yes become_user: "{{ oracle_user }}" shell: cmd: "{{ stage_ogg }}/fbo_ggs_Linux_x64_services_shiphome/Disk1/runInstaller -silent -showProgress -ignoreSysPrereqs -waitForCompletion -responseFile {{ stage_dir }}{{ ggsoft21c_rsp }} >> /tmp/ggInstall.log" ignore_errors: true - name: Running root script remote_user: "{{ root_user }}" become: yes shell: cmd: /opt/app/oraInventory/ >> /tmp/ggInstall.log - name: Setting Passwords remote_user: "{{ root_user }}" become: yes shell: cmd: "{{ stage_dir }}{{ set_passwords }}" - name: Setting .bashrc remote_user: "{{ root_user }}" become: yes blockinfile: dest: /home/oracle/.bashrc block: | export OGG_HOME={{ ogg_home }} export ORACLE_HOME={{ oracle_home_client }} export ORACLE_BASE={{ oracle_base }} export LD_LIBRARY_PATH={{ ogg_home }}/lib export PATH=$OGG_HOME/bin:$LD_LIBRARY_PATH:$PATH insertbefore: BOF create: yes backup: no ...
Once the playbook is done, a fully functioning Oracle GoldenGate 21 environment is installed and ready to use. Aft this point, other Oracle GoldenGate 21c components can be created using either the command line (AdminClient), the HTML pages, or REST api.
Through this post, we were showing you how you can use Ansible to install Oracle GoldenGate 21c. Using this process, Oracle GoldenGate 21c can be installed on any platform in an automated fashion.